With one bought download you are permitted to use up to four database copies within your local network. If you use multiple computer systems in a nearby Precision Simulator network, install the document in the same way also on those computer systems. Just duplicate the zero document to the (émpty) subfolder AerowinxNavigation-Néw and restart Precision Simulator. The data source is used by the sticking with components in Accuracy Simulator: - Flight Management System - EGPWS landing-shórt-of-runway signal (TCF) - Navaid stations and receivers - Airport communication radios and réceivers - Voice-ATC ánd CPDLC simulation - Voicé-ATIS ánd D-ATIS - METAR administration - Trainer routes - Instructor Analysis pages - Instructor airplane repositioning tools - Landscapes generator (runways, entrance, airport terminal beacons) Program requirement: Precision Simulator update 10.0.2 or higher: the latest upgrade can end up being downloaded free of cost. Navigraph 1903 Data Install The Document.I noticed simbrief is telling me the routes are valid for airac 1903 but i am sure i dont have that on my xplane as i am using the default xplane and the default zibo 737 mod. What I want to know can i just purchase a subscription for a month every now and then to top up the version or do i have to remain subscribed to use the data? Is it stored locally on my machine so that if i cancel i will still have the version i had before cancelling or does it not work like that?Īs i am learning to do IFR and using the FMS but when following you tube tutorials and doing the route the plane just does not follow the route and keep thinking its something i am doing but now may think if I am just using the default fms data maybe its too out of date and the information i put into simbrief when planing routes is not compatable with the version i have installed. Starting to get into XPlane and using the Zibo 737 mod and obviously my fms data is out of date and would like moving charts for airports etc.